


Construction Safety Management: Full Operation Regulation of Yingfu Saw Blade

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Construction Safety Management: Full Operation Regulation of Yingfu Saw Blade

Date of release:2019-05-13 Author: Click:

1. The safety baffle (hood) must be installed above the Yingfu saw blade. Arc wedge cutter must be installed behind the saw blade and 10-15mm from the teeth. The saw blade should be installed on the axle to keep the right axis.

2. Yingfu saw blade must be flat, sharp, not two teeth missing continuously, crack length must not exceed 20 mm, crack end must be punched to stop crack.

3. The thickness of sawn wood should be limited to 10-20 mm when the saw blade can expose the wood. The sawtooth must be on the same circumference. The diameter of the flange holding the saw blade should be 1/4 of that of the saw blade.

4. After startup, sawing can be carried out only after normal speed. Wood should not be swayed or raised from side to side when sawing. When sawing wood, it should be fed slowly and evenly, and the length of sawn wood should not be less than 500 mm. Close to the end, apply push rod feeding.

5. If the saw line is deviated, it should be corrected gradually, and the saw blade should not be damaged by sharp pulling.

6. Operators shall not operate in the direction of centrifugal force rotating with the saw blade and their arms shall not work across the saw blade.

7. When the sheet temperature is too high, water cooling should be applied. Saw blades over 600 mm in diameter should be cooled by spraying water during operation

The address of this article:https://www.chinayingfu.com/en/news/386.html

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